Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Man, A Plan, A Lesson?

One of the first palindromes I ever learned - even before I learned what a palindrome was - was A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama. See a palindrome is spelled the same way backward and forward. The simplest palindromes are Mom, Dad and the perennial favorite wow! Yes, you can say it backward! WOW! But this rambling has nothing to do with palindromes.

I'm struggling again with my lessons. Getting the girls to focus and get things going right - and on some semblance of a schedule. My wife nailed the problem real quickly. She hid my 'lesson plan book'. I never noticed it was missing. Hmph! When I use the 'lesson plan book', lessons (and chores!) go very smoothly. Without it, I'm lost. But, I'm such a lousy organizer that I keep forgetting to use it! She threatened to staple it to my hand so I would not forget about it. Yeah, yeah - I get the hint.

Then I talk to other homeschoolers. They aren't organized. They just fly by the seat of their pants - and have kids that are entering college at age 13. How the heck do they do that? Well, I'm making entries in my 'lesson plan book'. I'm attempting to nail down what needs to be done, at what time, and how long it should take to do it. 15 minutes on time. 15 minutes on money. 30 minutes on math - whether she's done or not. 30 minutes to read whatever she wants. 30 minutes on American History. 20 minutes to read on science.

Well, I'm blogging when I should be planning. So, I'm outtahere. But here's another palindrome for you: race a toyota e-car!


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